Scotts Lawn Mower
Having just bought my first house after many years of living downtown I needed to get a Scotts Lawn Mower. Thinking I could start to pay the Earth back for the gas-guzzling hog that my wife drives, I looked into getting a reel-mower. Ended up buying the Scott. So glad I did. Mowing the lawn is an easy pleasure. When I look over the fence and see my neighbour with his noisy, fume-belching machine and wearing ear-plugs I know I made the right choice. As people have mentioned, you can't let the grass grow too long, or it will not cut too well. And it's a good idea to have a weed-whacker to get the places the mower can't. Mowing the lawn is as easy as taking a walk around it. I can do a quarter acre in around 15 minutes at a brisk pace. And because there is no set-up time and little post-mowing work, anytime is good mowing time. Changing the cutting height could not be easier. AND you can easily maintain a chat with someone while you are mowing. Plus if my experience is anything to go by, everyone who sees it will be amazed how well it works. My neighbour is now thinking of getting his own.
(This is just some reviews from real customers.)